Data and Reports | Research
Data & Reports
National HIV data
HIV is a ‘notifiable disease”, and information is gathered on every case diagnosed, including age, sex, geographic area, probable mode of transmission and Indigenous status. This information is collected to monitor trends in HIV cases and to enable responses where necessary. National HIV, viral hepatitis and STI data, including for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, are analysed by the Kirby Institute which produces annual surveillance reports. For the latest surveillance report on HIV and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people see: Aboriginal Surveillance Report on HIV, Viral hepatitis and STI’s 2018
In 2021 the Department of Health released The first National Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Research Strategy 2021–2025. National Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Research Strategy
In November 2019 SAHMRI produced a booklet to provide a snapshot of data trends and highlight issues associated with HIV prevention and treatment for people among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities:
HIV and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in 2019.
In collaboration with AH&MRC, ACON has released a paper on HIV and how it affects the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of NSW:
HIV in the NSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population.
A/Prof James Ward from SAHMRI discussing the implications of HIV data trends.
International HIV data
International data on HIV are analysed by the United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS). UNAIDS reports can include information on HIV among Indigenous peoples in Australia and in other countries, such as Canada.